Monday, July 09, 2007


Man in deep thoughts

Photo taken in Bunbury, Western Australia in 2007.

I believed that when HE created Adam and Eve he would have expected all these to come. HE should have known that humans, once born into this world, will have to face a lot of realities throughout his/her journey of life. Do not blame it on the snake or the apple, but this is how and this is what humans are suppose to be like (i.e. act and behave) when we are first being created.

You must agree that all humans have a head and our head consists of the brain, our eyes, ears, month and nose. The brain is the control center of the central nervous system which is responsible for our behaviors. While our eyes, ears, month and nose are used for our sensory functions, like sense of sight, hearing, taste and smell. Apart from these, we have a mind in our head which is for our thoughts, emotion, determination, will and imagination.

A human is being brought to the world with an innocent and pure mind. But as this human grows up, he/she will start to see what's in for him/her.

You go to school, you have to worry about your homework, class tests, common tests, examinations and your results.

You go to work, you have to worry about your job assignments, the datelines to meet, unreasonable clients, your boss expectations and whether your colleagues will back stab you.

You start a family soon after you have a stable job, and you start to worry about the loans on your house, your car, your credit cards, your kids, and the list runs on.

At times, humans do make mistakes in life. Some are serious offenses where you will be jailed, canned, hang. While some are serious and never-be-forgiven mistakes. But most of the rest are just mistakes which are part and parcel of life where you will get to learn something important at the end of each lesson. Just because of these troubles, problems and worries which you faced in life, you often find yourself deep in thoughts, trying to find a way out of all these sufferings.

I agree that it's easier to say than done as emotion plays an important role too...

But com'on, this is life!

You have got to give and take.
You have got to do things one at a time.
You have got to put yourself in other people's shoes.
You have to give yourself and everyone around you a chance.
You have got to think of what you really want to achieve in your life.

And eventually, you are the only one who can make your own decision in your life. This is the only process where you will learn to grow, learn to make your own decision, and know how to face what comes after making that particular decision. People around you could only give you suggestions and tell you what they think, and decision still lies within your own hand.

But what is most important is not to spend too much time thinking, and thinking, and thinking...

Do not doubt yourself over troublesome decisions.
Do not think too much, do what you think is right, and just do it!

I am not sure why humans like to stay in deep thoughts when things could actually be so easily sorted out.

This article acts as a reminder to all who is reading this, and also to myself, like I said, do not doubt yourself in thoughts, but instead, get over it and enjoy what's beautiful out there! Think about it!~

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